1026415- Status
- In Range
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- $1,185
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| In Range | | $1,185 | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 25 to 30 WETH / tBTC From 0.03331 to 0.04036 tBTC / WETH |
482327- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 20 to 25 WETH / tBTC From 0.04012 to 0.04891 tBTC / WETH |
568749- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 17 to 21 WETH / tBTC From 0.04861 to 0.05751 tBTC / WETH |
649846- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 18 to 20 WETH / tBTC From 0.0492 to 0.05614 tBTC / WETH |
881986- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 21 to 26 WETH / tBTC From 0.03917 to 0.04832 tBTC / WETH |
892476- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 22 to 27 WETH / tBTC From 0.03756 to 0.04578 tBTC / WETH |
960953- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 25 to 29 WETH / tBTC From 0.03412 to 0.03964 tBTC / WETH |
963982- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 25 to 29 WETH / tBTC From 0.03412 to 0.03941 tBTC / WETH |
977491- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 23 to 26 WETH / tBTC From 0.03917 to 0.04443 tBTC / WETH |
980633- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- tBTC / WETH - 0.3%
| Inactive | | - | tBTC / WETH - 0.3% | From 23 to 26 WETH / tBTC From 0.03894 to 0.04416 tBTC / WETH |