1627458- Status
- In Range
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- $945
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| In Range | | $945 | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00243 to 0.00274 WETH / LUM From 365 to 411 LUM / WETH |
1500879- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00274 to 0.00309 WETH / LUM From 324 to 365 LUM / WETH |
1505799- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002335 to 0.002633 WETH / LUM From 380 to 428 LUM / WETH |
1502986- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002581 to 0.00291 WETH / LUM From 344 to 387 LUM / WETH |
1503827- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00253 to 0.002796 WETH / LUM From 358 to 395 LUM / WETH |
1504052- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00243 to 0.00274 WETH / LUM From 365 to 411 LUM / WETH |
1502737- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002686 to 0.002968 WETH / LUM From 337 to 372 LUM / WETH |
1507475- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00253 to 0.002852 WETH / LUM From 351 to 395 LUM / WETH |
1508802- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00243 to 0.00274 WETH / LUM From 365 to 411 LUM / WETH |
1626990- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00253 to 0.002852 WETH / LUM From 351 to 395 LUM / WETH |