Position | Status | Last Activity | Liquidity (USD) | Pool | Tick Range |
| Out of Range - Range Too Low | $170 | WETH / PID - 1% | From 5,834,044 to 6,194,783 PID / WETH From 1.614E-7 to 1.714E-7 WETH / PID | |
| Out of Range - Range Too Low | $80 | WETH / PID - 1% | From 4,776,559 to 6,984,556 PID / WETH From 1.432E-7 to 2.094E-7 WETH / PID | |
| Inactive | - | WETH / PID - 1% | From 4,873,047 to 7,125,647 PID / WETH From 1.403E-7 to 2.052E-7 WETH / PID | |
| Inactive | - | WETH / PID - 1% | From 5,834,044 to 6,319,920 PID / WETH From 1.582E-7 to 1.714E-7 WETH / PID | |
| Inactive | - | WETH / PID - 1% | From 5,718,528 to 6,194,783 PID / WETH From 1.614E-7 to 1.749E-7 WETH / PID |