WETH (Wrapped Ether) / KAITO (KAITO) - 0.3%

Pool Info

Pool Liquidity (USD)
Pool Liquidity in Range (USD)
# of Positions
# of Positions in Range
Volume Last 7 Days (USD)
Fees Last 7 Days (USD)
Pool Address
WETH Token Address
KAITO Token Address
Pool Created
Current Tick
1 WETH($1884.00) = 1,375.73 KAITO($1883.85)

Price Impact Analysis

Negative swap amounts indicate selling WETH for KAITO, positive swap amounts indicate buying WETH for KAITO. Price Impact % reflects the movement of the pool's price for various swap sizes. Slippage % represents the amount of tokens received in the swap compared to what would have been received if the whole swap had executed at the current price.

$−200.0K$−190.0K$−180.0K$−170.0K$−160.0K$−150.0K$−140.0K$−130.0K$−120.0K$−110.0K$−100.0K$−90.0K$−80.0K$−70.0K$−60.0K$−50.0K$−40.0K$−30.0K$−20.0K$−10.0K$0$10.0K$20.0K$30.0K$40.0K$50.0K$60.0K$70.0K$80.0K$90.0K$100.0K$110.0K$120.0K$130.0K$140.0K$150.0K$160.0K$170.0K$180.0K$190.0K$200.0KSwap Amount−20.00%−15.00%−10.00%−5.00%0.00%5.00%10.00%15.00%20.00%Price ImpactSlippage

Tick Liquidity Distribution

Distribution of liquidity across price ranges

800.01,0001,2001,4001,6001,8002,0002,2002,4002,6002,800KAITO / WETH05001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5004,0004,500Liquidity (USD)

Positions in Pool

PositionStatusLast ActivityLiquidity (USD)% of Pool Liquidity% of Active LiquidityTick Range
2238049In Range$1,841.070.26%0.4%
From 986 to 1,942.29 KAITO / WETH
2147396In Range$1,825.060.25%0.4%
From 1,338.95 to 1,896.23 KAITO / WETH
2170049Out of Range - Range Too Low$1,765.030.25%0.38%
From 700.41 to 1,098.44 KAITO / WETH
2171639In Range$1,754.100.24%0.38%
From 858.91 to 1,537.07 KAITO / WETH
2281347In Range$1,744.940.24%0.38%
From 663.6 to 1,430.3 KAITO / WETH
2228953In Range$1,647.830.23%0.36%
From 1,072.4 to 1,456.27 KAITO / WETH
2185141In Range$1,644.210.23%0.36%
From 799.24 to 1,447.56 KAITO / WETH
2399573In Range$1,461.240.2%0.32%
From 1,268.57 to 1,396.38 KAITO / WETH
2434883In Range$1,457.850.2%0.32%
From 1,131.89 to 1,785.81 KAITO / WETH
2134946In Range$1,456.360.2%0.32%
From 1,009.95 to 2,396.13 KAITO / WETH