USDC (USD Coin) / KAITO (KAITO) - 0.3%
Pool Info
- Pool Liquidity (USD)
- $67,080
- Pool Liquidity in Range (USD)
- $10,918
- # of Positions
- 1,172
- # of Positions in Range
- 31
- Volume Last 7 Days (USD)
- $87,396
- Fees Last 7 Days (USD)
- $262.19
- Pool Address
- 0x51...1fc30x51bc3d86583652d2ba5b788341bf64a8a43c1fc3
- USDC Token Address
- 0x83...29130x833589fcd6edb6e08f4c7c32d4f71b54bda02913
- KAITO Token Address
- 0x98...75530x98d0baa52b2d063e780de12f615f963fe8537553
- Pool Created
- Current Tick
- 1 USDC($1.00) = 0.7374 KAITO($0.97)
Price Impact Analysis
Negative swap amounts indicate selling USDC for KAITO, positive swap amounts indicate buying USDC for KAITO. Price Impact % reflects the movement of the pool's price for various swap sizes. Slippage % represents the amount of tokens received in the swap compared to what would have been received if the whole swap had executed at the current price.
Tick Liquidity Distribution
Distribution of liquidity across price ranges
Positions in Pool
Position | Status | Last Activity | Liquidity (USD) | % of Pool Liquidity | % of Active Liquidity | Tick Range |
2184142 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $234.72 | 0.35% | 2.15% | From 0.3797 to 0.5541 KAITO / USDC | |
2421564 | In Range | $231.02 | 0.34% | 2.12% | From 0.6285 to 0.8184 KAITO / USDC | |
2284631 | In Range | $212.31 | 0.32% | 1.94% | From 0.6323 to 0.8901 KAITO / USDC | |
2287881 | In Range | $204.36 | 0.3% | 1.87% | From 0.5004 to 1 KAITO / USDC | |
2120649 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $178.53 | 0.27% | 1.64% | From 0.6173 to 0.6594 KAITO / USDC | |
2211511 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $160.42 | 0.24% | 1.47% | From 0.07293 to 0.6438 KAITO / USDC | |
2477064 | In Range | $127.40 | 0.19% | 1.17% | From 0.5919 to 0.8955 KAITO / USDC | |
2151614 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $122.12 | 0.18% | 1.12% | From 0.4628 to 0.6919 KAITO / USDC | |
2379855 | In Range | $118.04 | 0.18% | 1.08% | From 0.413 to 0.748 KAITO / USDC | |
2335140 | In Range | $94.09 | 0.14% | 0.86% | From 0.7087 to 0.7801 KAITO / USDC |