WETH (Wrapped Ether) / MOCHI (Mochi) - 0.3%
Pool Info
- Pool Liquidity (USD)
- $19,150
- Pool Liquidity in Range (USD)
- $7,281.10
- # of Positions
- 253
- # of Positions in Range
- 14
- Volume Last 7 Days (USD)
- $141,097
- Fees Last 7 Days (USD)
- $423.29
- Pool Address
- 0x54...c0c90x54c477b1b7a458817419ce9695fa8c609c43c0c9
- WETH Token Address
- 0x42...00060x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006
- MOCHI Token Address
- 0xf6...2e500xf6e932ca12afa26665dc4dde7e27be02a7c02e50
- Pool Created
- Current Tick
- 1 WETH($1879.76) = 114,681,827 MOCHI($1883.83)
Price Impact Analysis
Negative swap amounts indicate selling WETH for MOCHI, positive swap amounts indicate buying WETH for MOCHI. Price Impact % reflects the movement of the pool's price for various swap sizes. Slippage % represents the amount of tokens received in the swap compared to what would have been received if the whole swap had executed at the current price.
Tick Liquidity Distribution
Distribution of liquidity across price ranges
Positions in Pool
Position | Status | Last Activity | Liquidity (USD) | % of Pool Liquidity | % of Active Liquidity | Tick Range |
2274025 | In Range | $3,687.91 | 19.26% | 50.65% | From 80,929,548 to 174,432,981 MOCHI / WETH | |
2256296 | In Range | $2,284.47 | 11.93% | 31.38% | From 99,242,743 to 146,576,768 MOCHI / WETH | |
2080386 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $1,833.09 | 9.57% | 25.18% | From 70,922,349 to 100,440,770 MOCHI / WETH | |
2352275 | In Range | $761.22 | 3.98% | 10.45% | From 99,839,960 to 200,243,416 MOCHI / WETH | |
2028253 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $617.82 | 3.23% | 8.49% | From 62,902,858 to 77,136,872 MOCHI / WETH | |
1982866 | In Range | $481.41 | 2.51% | 6.61% | From 27,816,584 to 129,225,069 MOCHI / WETH | |
1966585 | Out of Range - Range Too Low | $43.95 | 0.23% | 0.6% | From 59,239,859 to 88,550,632 MOCHI / WETH | |
1966758 | In Range | $22.48 | 0.12% | 0.31% | From 35,149,862 to 187,454,661 MOCHI / WETH | |
2340767 | In Range | $20.48 | 0.11% | 0.28% | From 102,264,982 to 188,582,713 MOCHI / WETH | |
2429834 | Out of Range - Range Too High | $17.99 | 0.09% | 0.25% | From 115,302,753 to 128,452,078 MOCHI / WETH |