GPS (GoPlus Security) / WETH (Wrapped Ether) - 1%

Pool Info

Pool Liquidity (USD)
Pool Liquidity in Range (USD)
# of Positions
# of Positions in Range
Volume Last 7 Days (USD)
Fees Last 7 Days (USD)
Pool Address
GPS Token Address
WETH Token Address
Pool Created
Current Tick
1 GPS($0.03) = 0.00001666 WETH($0.03)

Price Impact Analysis

Negative swap amounts indicate selling GPS for WETH, positive swap amounts indicate buying GPS for WETH. Price Impact % reflects the movement of the pool's price for various swap sizes. Slippage % represents the amount of tokens received in the swap compared to what would have been received if the whole swap had executed at the current price.

$−20.0K$−19.0K$−18.0K$−17.0K$−16.0K$−15.0K$−14.0K$−13.0K$−12.0K$−11.0K$−10.0K$−9.0K$−8.0K$−7.0K$−6.0K$−5.0K$−4.0K$−3.0K$−2.0K$−1.0K$0$1.0K$2.0K$3.0K$4.0K$5.0K$6.0K$7.0K$8.0K$9.0K$10.0K$11.0K$12.0K$13.0K$14.0K$15.0K$16.0K$17.0K$18.0K$19.0K$20.0KSwap Amount−10.00%−5.00%0.00%5.00%10.00%15.00%Price ImpactSlippage

Tick Liquidity Distribution

Distribution of liquidity across price ranges

0.000020000.000040000.000060000.000080000.00010000.00012000.00014000.00016000.00018000.0002000WETH / GPS05001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,5004,0004,5005,0005,500Liquidity (USD)

Positions in Pool

PositionStatusLast ActivityLiquidity (USD)% of Pool Liquidity% of Active LiquidityTick Range
2491258In Range$1,180.242.7%6.14%
From 0.00001606 to 0.00002211 WETH / GPS
2254783In Range$1,083.492.48%5.64%
From 0.00001574 to 0.00002444 WETH / GPS
2271143In Range$189.380.43%0.99%
From 7.973E-6 to 0.00007952 WETH / GPS
2518134In Range$156.670.36%0.82%
From 0.00001315 to 0.00001884 WETH / GPS
2536930In Range$76.140.17%0.4%
From 0.00001213 to 0.00002395 WETH / GPS
1843951In Range$65.940.15%0.34%Full Range
1824678In Range$53.470.12%0.28%Full Range
1833586In Range$53.150.12%0.28%Full Range
1833673In Range$47.200.11%0.25%Full Range
1824743In Range$46.220.11%0.24%Full Range