Position | Status | Last Activity | Liquidity (USD) | % of Pool Liquidity | % of Active Liquidity | Tick Range |
1119627 | In Range | $371,738 | 16.17% | 66.8% | From 9.962E-7 to 337,815,857,900,711,430,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 WETH / LUM From 2.96E-39 to 1,003,806 LUM / WETH | |
1578466 | In Range | $138,922 | 6.04% | 24.96% | From 0.002244 to 0.004702 WETH / LUM From 213 to 446 LUM / WETH | |
1517511 | In Range | $9,972 | 0.43% | 1.79% | From 0.002113 to 0.01725 WETH / LUM From 58 to 473 LUM / WETH | |
1125206 | In Range | $6,560 | 0.29% | 1.18% | Full Range | |
1332954 | In Range | $6,003 | 0.26% | 1.08% | From 0.002479 to 0.01278 WETH / LUM From 78 to 403 LUM / WETH | |
1512712 | In Range | $4,696 | 0.2% | 0.84% | From 0.00199 to 0.003928 WETH / LUM From 255 to 503 LUM / WETH | |
1516494 | In Range | $3,983 | 0.17% | 0.72% | From 0.002289 to 0.005859 WETH / LUM From 171 to 437 LUM / WETH | |
1373826 | In Range | $3,709 | 0.16% | 0.67% | Full Range | |
1146980 | In Range | $1,505 | 0.07% | 0.27% | From 0.00199 to 0.2019 WETH / LUM From 4.95 to 503 LUM / WETH | |
1496816 | In Range | $1,499 | 0.07% | 0.27% | From 0.002382 to 0.006098 WETH / LUM From 164 to 420 LUM / WETH |