WETH/B3 - 1%

Pool Info

Pool Liquidity (USD)
Pool Liquidity in Range (USD)
# of Positions
# of Positions in Range
Volume Last 7 Days (USD)
Fees Last 7 Days (USD)
Pool Address
WETH Token Address
B3 Token Address
Pool Created
Current Tick
1 WETH($2071.25) = 343,747 B3($2071.12)

Price Impact Analysis

Negative swap amounts indicate selling WETH for B3, positive swap amounts indicate buying WETH for B3. Price Impact % reflects the movement of the pool's price for various swap sizes. Slippage % represents the amount of tokens received in the swap compared to what would have been received if the whole swap had executed at the current price.

$−20.0K$−19.0K$−18.0K$−17.0K$−16.0K$−15.0K$−14.0K$−13.0K$−12.0K$−11.0K$−10.0K$−9.0K$−8.0K$−7.0K$−6.0K$−5.0K$−4.0K$−3.0K$−2.0K$−1.0K$0$1.0K$2.0K$3.0K$4.0K$5.0K$6.0K$7.0K$8.0K$9.0K$10.0K$11.0K$12.0K$13.0K$14.0K$15.0K$16.0K$17.0K$18.0K$19.0K$20.0KSwap Amount−20.00%−15.00%−10.00%−5.00%0.00%5.00%10.00%15.00%20.00%Price ImpactSlippage

Tick Liquidity Distribution

Distribution of liquidity across price ranges

5.000e+51.000e+61.500e+62.000e+62.500e+63.000e+63.500e+64.000e+6B3 / WETH02004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,800Liquidity (USD)

Positions in Pool (Active, In Range)

PositionStatusLast ActivityLiquidity (USD)% of Pool Liquidity% of Active LiquidityTick Range
2297771In Range$4,840.6611.03%16.29%
From 150,152 to 451,057 B3 / WETH
2508394In Range$1,443.953.29%4.86%
From 302,359 to 369,298 B3 / WETH
2640992In Range$394.510.9%1.33%
From 308,466 to 347,793 B3 / WETH
2138768In Range$302.900.69%1.02%
From 279,113 to 400,054 B3 / WETH
2529289In Range$197.040.45%0.66%
From 290,504 to 416,380 B3 / WETH
2625702In Range$168.620.38%0.57%
From 296,372 to 529,316 B3 / WETH
2171823In Range$109.130.25%0.37%
From 247,553 to 400,054 B3 / WETH
2475412In Range$81.190.19%0.27%
From 247,553 to 433,372 B3 / WETH
2536840In Range$78.090.18%0.26%
From 279,113 to 416,380 B3 / WETH
2080906In Range$75.430.17%0.25%
From 100,652 to 672,885 B3 / WETH