beraSTONE (Berachain STONE) / WETH (Wrapped Ether) - 0.05%

Pool Info

Pool Liquidity (USD)
Pool Liquidity in Range (USD)
# of Positions
# of Positions in Range
Volume Last 7 Days (USD)
Fees Last 7 Days (USD)
Pool Address
beraSTONE Token Address
WETH Token Address
Pool Created
Current Tick
1 beraSTONE($1903.48) = 0.9903 WETH($1903.46)

Price Impact Analysis

Negative swap amounts indicate selling beraSTONE for WETH, positive swap amounts indicate buying beraSTONE for WETH. Price Impact % reflects the movement of the pool's price for various swap sizes. Slippage % represents the amount of tokens received in the swap compared to what would have been received if the whole swap had executed at the current price.

$−24.0M$−22.0M$−20.0M$−18.0M$−16.0M$−14.0M$−12.0M$−10.0M$−8.0M$−6.0M$−4.0M$−2.0M$0$2.0M$4.0M$6.0M$8.0M$10.0M$12.0M$14.0M$16.0M$18.0M$20.0M$22.0M$24.0MSwap Amount−25.00%−20.00%−15.00%−10.00%−5.00%0.00%5.00%10.00%15.00%20.00%25.00%Price ImpactSlippage

Tick Liquidity Distribution

Distribution of liquidity across price ranges

0.88000.90000.92000.94000.96000.98001.0001.0201.0401.0601.0801.1001.120WETH / beraSTONE0500,0001,000,0001,500,0002,000,0002,500,0003,000,0003,500,0004,000,000Liquidity (USD)

Positions in Pool

PositionStatusLast ActivityLiquidity (USD)% of Pool Liquidity% of Active LiquidityTick Range
918537In Range$11,337,09417.98%22.63%
From 0.9503 to 340,188,745,682,039,630,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 WETH / beraSTONE
901506Out of Range - Range Too High$5,551,9968.81%11.08%
From 0.998 to 1 WETH / beraSTONE
893942In Range$2,239,3613.55%4.47%Full Range
934921In Range$1,830,1692.9%3.65%
From 0.9851 to 25 WETH / beraSTONE
917848In Range$1,493,9652.37%2.98%
From 0.9782 to 99,950 WETH / beraSTONE
888148In Range$1,338,6062.12%2.67%Full Range
920382In Range$1,299,0722.06%2.59%
From 0.9763 to 1.47 WETH / beraSTONE
931224In Range$1,159,0971.84%2.31%
From 0.9802 to 1.05 WETH / beraSTONE
922667In Range$1,127,5071.79%2.25%
From 0.9812 to 0.995 WETH / beraSTONE
890633In Range$1,097,6761.74%2.19%
From 0.9608 to 10 WETH / beraSTONE