VIRTUAL (Virtual Protocol) / WETH (Wrapped Ether) - 0.05%
Position Breakdown
Total USD
Liquidity & Fees
Position History
Increased liquidity:
Provided 344 VIRTUAL ($956) and 0.4067 WETH ($1,568)
12/18/2024, 8:37:41 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.2987 VIRTUAL ($0.838) and 0.0003635 WETH ($1.41)
Collected fees of 0.5049 VIRTUAL ($1.42) and 0.0003708 WETH ($1.44)
12/18/2024, 10:14:35 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1629 VIRTUAL ($0.471) and 0.0004445 WETH ($1.72)
Collected fees of 0.2534 VIRTUAL ($0.733) and 0.0002404 WETH ($0.933)
12/18/2024, 11:15:15 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.2017 VIRTUAL ($0.579) and 0.0004849 WETH ($1.88)
Collected fees of 0.6747 VIRTUAL ($1.94) and 0.000494 WETH ($1.91)
12/18/2024, 1:23:17 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.9507 VIRTUAL ($2.58) and 0.0005782 WETH ($2.24)
Collected fees of 0.7403 VIRTUAL ($2.01) and 0.0004215 WETH ($1.63)
12/18/2024, 2:20:13 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.6494 VIRTUAL ($1.78) and 0.0004968 WETH ($1.92)
Collected fees of 0.6855 VIRTUAL ($1.88) and 0.0005067 WETH ($1.96)
12/18/2024, 4:32:15 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 2.05 VIRTUAL ($5.40) and 0.001574 WETH ($5.86)
Collected fees of 2.18 VIRTUAL ($5.74) and 0.001563 WETH ($5.82)
12/18/2024, 8:53:17 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.7031 VIRTUAL ($1.80) and 0.0003562 WETH ($1.31)
Collected fees of 0.623 VIRTUAL ($1.60) and 0.0004095 WETH ($1.50)
12/18/2024, 10:12:21 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.4246 VIRTUAL ($1.10) and 0.0003132 WETH ($1.14)
Collected fees of 0.4126 VIRTUAL ($1.06) and 0.0003192 WETH ($1.17)
12/18/2024, 11:35:01 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.7657 VIRTUAL ($1.90) and 0.0001882 WETH ($0.686)
Collected fees of 0.5901 VIRTUAL ($1.47) and 0.0003286 WETH ($1.20)
12/19/2024, 12:57:23 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.6407 VIRTUAL ($1.57) and 0.0001261 WETH ($0.458)
Collected fees of 0.4268 VIRTUAL ($1.05) and 0.0002754 WETH ($1.00)
12/19/2024, 1:46:43 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1.2 VIRTUAL ($2.85) and 0.00007462 WETH ($0.269)
Collected fees of 0.7011 VIRTUAL ($1.67) and 0.0004202 WETH ($1.52)
12/19/2024, 2:48:35 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.5778 VIRTUAL ($1.46) and 0.0002178 WETH ($0.795)
Collected fees of 0.3969 VIRTUAL ($1.00) and 0.0003552 WETH ($1.30)
12/19/2024, 3:29:03 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.3061 VIRTUAL ($0.789) and 0.0001798 WETH ($0.659)
Collected fees of 0.2627 VIRTUAL ($0.677) and 0.000218 WETH ($0.799)
12/19/2024, 4:01:03 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.236 VIRTUAL ($0.611) and 0.000149 WETH ($0.547)
Collected fees of 0.224 VIRTUAL ($0.58) and 0.0001638 WETH ($0.601)
12/19/2024, 4:39:31 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1812 VIRTUAL ($0.469) and 0.00012 WETH ($0.44)
Collected fees of 0.1772 VIRTUAL ($0.459) and 0.0001282 WETH ($0.47)
12/19/2024, 5:17:55 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1398 VIRTUAL ($0.364) and 0.0001026 WETH ($0.377)
Collected fees of 0.1392 VIRTUAL ($0.362) and 0.0001067 WETH ($0.392)
12/19/2024, 5:46:45 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.08593 VIRTUAL ($0.225) and 0.00008026 WETH ($0.295)
Collected fees of 0.08743 VIRTUAL ($0.229) and 0.00008202 WETH ($0.301)
12/19/2024, 6:14:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.08397 VIRTUAL ($0.22) and 0.0000605 WETH ($0.223)
Collected fees of 0.1012 VIRTUAL ($0.264) and 0.00005073 WETH ($0.187)
12/19/2024, 6:45:15 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.08481 VIRTUAL ($0.219) and 0.00004808 WETH ($0.177)
Collected fees of 0.0921 VIRTUAL ($0.238) and 0.00004515 WETH ($0.166)
12/19/2024, 7:13:37 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1124 VIRTUAL ($0.289) and 0.00004917 WETH ($0.182)
Collected fees of 0.1078 VIRTUAL ($0.277) and 0.00005483 WETH ($0.202)
12/19/2024, 7:48:55 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1107 VIRTUAL ($0.281) and 0.00004192 WETH ($0.154)
Collected fees of 0.09583 VIRTUAL ($0.243) and 0.00005524 WETH ($0.203)
12/19/2024, 8:18:09 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1227 VIRTUAL ($0.314) and 0.00005801 WETH ($0.213)
Collected fees of 0.09222 VIRTUAL ($0.236) and 0.00008146 WETH ($0.299)
12/19/2024, 8:55:19 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1485 VIRTUAL ($0.379) and 0.0000672 WETH ($0.247)
Collected fees of 0.1274 VIRTUAL ($0.325) and 0.00008529 WETH ($0.313)
12/19/2024, 9:30:35 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.163 VIRTUAL ($0.416) and 0.00007027 WETH ($0.258)
Collected fees of 0.1373 VIRTUAL ($0.351) and 0.00009172 WETH ($0.337)
12/19/2024, 10:08:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.2553 VIRTUAL ($0.681) and 0.0002706 WETH ($1.01)
Collected fees of 0.2737 VIRTUAL ($0.731) and 0.0002668 WETH ($0.991)
12/19/2024, 10:50:47 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1385 VIRTUAL ($0.367) and 0.0001382 WETH ($0.511)
Collected fees of 0.1726 VIRTUAL ($0.458) and 0.0001186 WETH ($0.439)
12/19/2024, 11:16:31 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1231 VIRTUAL ($0.334) and 0.0002073 WETH ($0.767)
Collected fees of 0.1801 VIRTUAL ($0.489) and 0.0001718 WETH ($0.636)
12/19/2024, 11:42:57 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1265 VIRTUAL ($0.343) and 0.0002302 WETH ($0.849)
Collected fees of 0.2208 VIRTUAL ($0.599) and 0.0001667 WETH ($0.614)
12/19/2024, 12:33:03 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.4101 VIRTUAL ($1.07) and 0.0002783 WETH ($1.02)
Collected fees of 0.4631 VIRTUAL ($1.20) and 0.0002543 WETH ($0.935)
12/19/2024, 1:55:45 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 2.63 VIRTUAL ($6.23) and 0.0001391 WETH ($0.50)
Collected fees of 1.53 VIRTUAL ($3.63) and 0.0008973 WETH ($3.22)
12/19/2024, 4:20:23 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1.41 VIRTUAL ($3.29) and 0.0002474 WETH ($0.858)
Collected fees of 0.8809 VIRTUAL ($2.05) and 0.0006288 WETH ($2.18)
12/19/2024, 6:08:03 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.5368 VIRTUAL ($1.25) and 0.00009183 WETH ($0.318)
Collected fees of 0.3449 VIRTUAL ($0.805) and 0.0002305 WETH ($0.798)
12/19/2024, 6:35:09 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.3403 VIRTUAL ($0.797) and 0.00004648 WETH ($0.163)
Collected fees of 0.2167 VIRTUAL ($0.508) and 0.0001337 WETH ($0.469)
12/19/2024, 6:58:47 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.1292 VIRTUAL ($0.302) and 0.00001244 WETH ($0.0437)
Collected fees of 0.1318 VIRTUAL ($0.308) and 0.00007392 WETH ($0.26)
12/19/2024, 7:12:39 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.2311 VIRTUAL ($0.531) and 0.00001232 WETH ($0.0429)
Collected fees of 0.09461 VIRTUAL ($0.217) and 0.00004585 WETH ($0.16)
12/19/2024, 7:24:45 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.2141 VIRTUAL ($0.48)
Collected fees of 0.1255 VIRTUAL ($0.282) and 0.00005841 WETH ($0.202)
12/19/2024, 7:37:31 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 0.3334 VIRTUAL ($0.746) and 5.038E-6 WETH ($0.0173)
Collected fees of 0.1686 VIRTUAL ($0.377) and 0.0001173 WETH ($0.403)
12/19/2024, 7:58:53 PM (UTC)
Decreased liquidity and collected fees:
Removed 966 VIRTUAL ($2,049)
Collected fees of 966 VIRTUAL ($0.144) and 0.00003708 WETH ($0.124)
12/19/2024, 8:14:33 PM (UTC)
Base Token ID: 1525841
Position Liquidity
Pool Liquidity in Range
Position % of Range Liquidity
Current Tick
1 VIRTUAL = 0.001001 WETH
Tick Range
From 0.0006506 to 0.0007704 WETH / VIRTUAL
From 1,298 to 1,537 VIRTUAL / WETH
23 days, 12 hours
Copy address
Copy address