AYB (All Your Base) / USDC (USD Coin) - 1%
Position Breakdown
Total USD
Liquidity & Fees
Position History
Increased liquidity:
Provided 50M AYB (-) and 50 USDC ($50)
2/4/2024, 8:48:43 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 10M AYB ($25) and 25 USDC ($25)
Collected fees of 14M AYB ($34) and 18 USDC ($18)
3/21/2024, 3:49:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,006,805 AYB ($2.24) and 2.24 USDC ($2.24)
Collected fees of 1,185,523 AYB ($2.64) and 2.28 USDC ($2.28)
3/28/2024, 5:56:51 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 364,572 AYB ($0.753) and 0.7534 USDC ($0.753)
Collected fees of 286,005 AYB ($0.593) and 0.5688 USDC ($0.569)
3/29/2024, 5:38:15 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 650,891 AYB ($1.99) and 2.01 USDC ($2.01)
Collected fees of 662,939 AYB ($2.03) and 2.44 USDC ($2.44)
4/1/2024, 11:22:19 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 80,513 AYB ($0.235) and 0.235 USDC ($0.235)
Collected fees of 20,851 AYB ($0.0586) and 0.02907 USDC ($0.0291)
4/2/2024, 8:10:29 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 38,597 AYB ($0.108) and 0.107 USDC ($0.107)
Collected fees of 48,305 AYB ($0.135) and 0.1073 USDC ($0.107)
4/3/2024, 3:43:19 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 61,588 AYB ($0.151) and 0.1528 USDC ($0.153)
Collected fees of 85,755 AYB ($0.211) and 0.1559 USDC ($0.156)
4/3/2024, 10:17:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 432,819 AYB ($1.02) and 0.9898 USDC ($0.99)
Collected fees of 480,565 AYB ($1.13) and 1.01 USDC ($1.01)
4/4/2024, 3:51:07 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 490,810 AYB ($1.34) and 1.36 USDC ($1.36)
Collected fees of 552,770 AYB ($1.51) and 1.39 USDC ($1.39)
4/4/2024, 7:47:29 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 114,821 AYB ($0.362) and 0.3588 USDC ($0.359)
Collected fees of 45,633 AYB ($0.144) and 0.2078 USDC ($0.208)
4/5/2024, 5:49:57 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 425,458 AYB ($1.41) and 1.43 USDC ($1.43)
Collected fees of 537,294 AYB ($1.78) and 1.46 USDC ($1.46)
4/9/2024, 6:13:37 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 780,035 AYB ($1.51) and 1.53 USDC ($1.53)
Collected fees of 799,898 AYB ($1.55) and 1.56 USDC ($1.56)
4/12/2024, 8:56:57 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 625,821 AYB ($0.994) and 1.02 USDC ($1.02)
Collected fees of 642,442 AYB ($1.02) and 1.04 USDC ($1.04)
4/16/2024, 11:48:47 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 537,314 AYB ($0.896) and 0.8898 USDC ($0.89)
Collected fees of 550,542 AYB ($0.918) and 0.9076 USDC ($0.908)
4/20/2024, 1:18:59 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 5,481,428 AYB ($11) and 11 USDC ($11)
Collected fees of 10M AYB ($19) and 2.08 USDC ($2.08)
4/25/2024, 7:24:37 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 729,721 AYB ($1.08) and 1.08 USDC ($1.08)
Collected fees of 727,140 AYB ($1.08) and 1.1 USDC ($1.10)
5/2/2024, 6:12:03 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,741,941 AYB ($1.65) and 1.67 USDC ($1.67)
Collected fees of 1,753,187 AYB ($1.66) and 1.81 USDC ($1.81)
5/11/2024, 11:31:07 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,000,823 AYB ($1.43) and 1.45 USDC ($1.45)
Collected fees of 1,020,840 AYB ($1.46) and 1.47 USDC ($1.47)
5/28/2024, 7:29:27 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 173,534 AYB ($0.264) and 0.2639 USDC ($0.264)
Collected fees of 135,515 AYB ($0.205) and 0.2353 USDC ($0.235)
5/30/2024, 8:36:41 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 80,034 AYB ($0.128) and 0.1269 USDC ($0.127)
Collected fees of 81,635 AYB ($0.13) and 0.1526 USDC ($0.153)
5/31/2024, 6:46:47 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 78,202 AYB ($0.164) and 0.1648 USDC ($0.165)
Collected fees of 35,739 AYB ($0.0752) and 0.239 USDC ($0.239)
6/1/2024, 9:43:51 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 62,967 AYB ($0.138) and 0.1383 USDC ($0.138)
Collected fees of 64,226 AYB ($0.141) and 0.171 USDC ($0.171)
6/1/2024, 4:54:59 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 153,778 AYB ($0.33) and 0.328 USDC ($0.328)
Collected fees of 156,854 AYB ($0.336) and 0.318 USDC ($0.318)
6/2/2024, 10:56:41 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 75,596 AYB ($0.153) and 0.1542 USDC ($0.154)
Collected fees of 83,608 AYB ($0.169) and 0.143 USDC ($0.143)
6/3/2024, 8:06:49 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 166,890 AYB ($0.442) and 0.4453 USDC ($0.445)
Collected fees of 163,728 AYB ($0.434) and 0.6251 USDC ($0.625)
6/5/2024, 4:32:03 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 91,370 AYB ($0.221) and 0.223 USDC ($0.223)
Collected fees of 93,197 AYB ($0.225) and 0.1742 USDC ($0.174)
6/6/2024, 1:45:11 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 119,640 AYB ($0.281) and 0.2785 USDC ($0.278)
Collected fees of 122,033 AYB ($0.287) and 0.2745 USDC ($0.274)
6/7/2024, 9:14:37 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 82,010 AYB ($0.172) and 0.1738 USDC ($0.174)
Collected fees of 83,650 AYB ($0.176) and 0.122 USDC ($0.122)
6/10/2024, 12:58:25 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,266,986 AYB ($2.14) and 2.14 USDC ($2.14)
Collected fees of 1,978,442 AYB ($3.35) and 0.9941 USDC ($0.994)
6/11/2024, 10:05:09 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 182,694 AYB ($0.309) and 0.3092 USDC ($0.309)
Collected fees of 179,745 AYB ($0.304) and 0.317 USDC ($0.317)
6/14/2024, 10:20:15 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 218,618 AYB ($0.385) and 0.3872 USDC ($0.387)
Collected fees of 227,224 AYB ($0.40) and 0.3933 USDC ($0.393)
6/19/2024, 4:34:07 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 73,770 AYB ($0.119) and 0.1186 USDC ($0.119)
Collected fees of 88,521 AYB ($0.143) and 0.09335 USDC ($0.0933)
6/20/2024, 5:43:07 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 117,702 AYB ($0.175) and 0.1749 USDC ($0.175)
Collected fees of 146,296 AYB ($0.217) and 0.1784 USDC ($0.178)
6/23/2024, 2:15:25 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 4,844,569 AYB ($6.61) and 6.6 USDC ($6.60)
Collected fees of 9,178,928 AYB ($13) and 1.03 USDC ($1.03)
6/26/2024, 7:14:29 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 185,095 AYB ($0.223) and 0.223 USDC ($0.223)
Collected fees of 190,276 AYB ($0.231) and 0.1792 USDC ($0.179)
6/28/2024, 11:54:15 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 683,085 AYB ($0.834) and 0.834 USDC ($0.834)
Collected fees of 781,539 AYB ($0.959) and 0.7487 USDC ($0.749)
7/2/2024, 6:02:45 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 321,256 AYB ($0.264) and 0.2635 USDC ($0.264)
Collected fees of 402,291 AYB ($0.343) and 0.2078 USDC ($0.208)
7/5/2024, 2:31:31 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 185,661 AYB ($0.186) and 0.1858 USDC ($0.186)
Collected fees of 151,773 AYB ($0.144) and 0.2274 USDC ($0.227)
7/7/2024, 7:39:45 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 216,532 AYB ($0.198) and 0.2163 USDC ($0.216)
Collected fees of 224,550 AYB ($0.205) and 0.2203 USDC ($0.22)
7/8/2024, 7:18:09 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 534,248 AYB ($0.464) and 0.5793 USDC ($0.579)
Collected fees of 677,355 AYB ($0.588) and 0.5909 USDC ($0.591)
7/16/2024, 8:47:49 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 4,258,318 AYB ($4.39) and 4.1 USDC ($4.10)
Collected fees of 7,543,000 AYB ($7.75) and 1.04 USDC ($1.04)
7/18/2024, 3:55:57 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 971,410 AYB ($0.989) and 0.9835 USDC ($0.984)
Collected fees of 1,273,403 AYB ($0.26) and 0.5773 USDC ($0.577)
7/18/2024, 5:51:27 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 361,922 AYB ($0.379) and 0.3769 USDC ($0.377)
Collected fees of 487,717 AYB ($0.511) and 0.3825 USDC ($0.383)
7/19/2024, 4:54:03 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 965,573 AYB ($0.959) and 0.9551 USDC ($0.955)
Collected fees of 1,094,328 AYB ($1.14) and 0.752 USDC ($0.752)
7/20/2024, 11:10:15 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,797,672 AYB ($1.47) and 1.53 USDC ($1.53)
Collected fees of 2,177,843 AYB ($1.78) and 1.56 USDC ($1.56)
7/23/2024, 11:23:29 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 275,133 AYB ($0.208) and 0.2075 USDC ($0.208)
Collected fees of 145,184 AYB ($0.111) and 0.05662 USDC ($0.0566)
7/24/2024, 11:54:19 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 209,030 AYB ($0.151) and 0.1528 USDC ($0.153)
Collected fees of 243,601 AYB ($0.176) and 0.1559 USDC ($0.156)
7/27/2024, 6:46:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,473,322 AYB ($1.07) and 1.06 USDC ($1.06)
Collected fees of 2,159,240 AYB ($0.215) and 0.5939 USDC ($0.594)
7/27/2024, 6:47:23 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 181,629 AYB ($0.128) and 0.1279 USDC ($0.128)
Collected fees of 207,254 AYB ($0.146) and 0.1264 USDC ($0.126)
7/30/2024, 11:34:19 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 2,740,330 AYB ($1.77) and 1.73 USDC ($1.73)
Collected fees of 4,400,339 AYB ($2.66) and 0.7554 USDC ($0.755)
8/1/2024, 5:37:11 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 921,344 AYB ($0.388) and 0.3869 USDC ($0.387)
Collected fees of 1,154,147 AYB ($0.458) and 0.2857 USDC ($0.286)
8/5/2024, 11:40:45 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 247,999 AYB ($0.0965) and 0.09626 USDC ($0.0963)
Collected fees of 324,816 AYB ($0.126) and 0.09819 USDC ($0.0982)
8/10/2024, 5:37:45 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 244,645 AYB ($0.0957) and 0.09566 USDC ($0.0957)
Collected fees of 239,313 AYB ($0.0936) and 0.09757 USDC ($0.0976)
8/29/2024, 12:59:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 547,554 AYB ($0.164) and 0.1634 USDC ($0.163)
Collected fees of 675,951 AYB ($0.197) and 0.114 USDC ($0.114)
9/10/2024, 12:56:27 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 783,702 AYB ($0.168) and 0.2475 USDC ($0.248)
Collected fees of 834,308 AYB ($0.179) and 0.2525 USDC ($0.252)
9/20/2024, 7:21:25 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 288,852 AYB ($0.0867) and 0.0878 USDC ($0.0878)
Collected fees of 346,783 AYB ($0.104) and 0.08955 USDC ($0.0896)
9/21/2024, 3:37:41 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 763,664 AYB ($0.278) and 0.262 USDC ($0.262)
Collected fees of 690,883 AYB ($0.251) and 0.2733 USDC ($0.273)
9/23/2024, 6:19:41 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 499,324 AYB ($0.182) and 0.1804 USDC ($0.18)
Collected fees of 509,310 AYB ($0.186) and 0.2132 USDC ($0.213)
10/3/2024, 9:56:17 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 516,641 AYB ($0.249) and 0.2499 USDC ($0.25)
Collected fees of 394,023 AYB ($0.19) and 0.2852 USDC ($0.285)
10/10/2024, 9:28:55 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 263,280 AYB ($0.256) and 0.2581 USDC ($0.258)
Collected fees of 122,178 AYB ($0.119) and 0.4084 USDC ($0.408)
10/15/2024, 8:12:33 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 261,576 AYB ($0.181) and 0.1824 USDC ($0.182)
Collected fees of 359,815 AYB ($0.249) and 0.1213 USDC ($0.121)
10/22/2024, 6:36:39 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 432,588 AYB ($0.218) and 0.2181 USDC ($0.218)
Collected fees of 568,696 AYB ($0.277) and 0.1588 USDC ($0.159)
10/27/2024, 5:09:23 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 727,363 AYB ($0.359) and 0.3575 USDC ($0.358)
Collected fees of 789,147 AYB ($0.389) and 0.3647 USDC ($0.365)
10/30/2024, 4:02:07 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 531,972 AYB ($0.278) and 0.2717 USDC ($0.272)
Collected fees of 494,693 AYB ($0.258) and 0.2797 USDC ($0.28)
10/30/2024, 11:30:25 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 505,457 AYB ($0.235) and 0.2381 USDC ($0.238)
Collected fees of 572,136 AYB ($0.266) and 0.2404 USDC ($0.24)
10/31/2024, 8:39:21 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 636,607 AYB ($0.305) and 0.2912 USDC ($0.291)
Collected fees of 676,157 AYB ($0.324) and 0.297 USDC ($0.297)
11/3/2024, 8:44:21 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 622,057 AYB ($0.265) and 0.2655 USDC ($0.266)
Collected fees of 779,831 AYB ($0.332) and 0.2708 USDC ($0.271)
11/6/2024, 10:41:59 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 2,444,160 AYB ($1.11) and 1.11 USDC ($1.11)
Collected fees of 2,523,503 AYB ($1.14) and 1.02 USDC ($1.02)
11/8/2024, 4:44:59 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 821,574 AYB ($0.476) and 0.4922 USDC ($0.492)
Collected fees of 836,555 AYB ($0.485) and 0.5245 USDC ($0.524)
11/9/2024, 8:12:45 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 594,020 AYB ($0.587) and 0.5881 USDC ($0.588)
Collected fees of 458,428 AYB ($0.441) and 0.725 USDC ($0.725)
11/10/2024, 11:16:15 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 470,996 AYB ($0.45) and 0.4494 USDC ($0.449)
Collected fees of 529,415 AYB ($0.321) and 0.412 USDC ($0.412)
11/11/2024, 9:11:07 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 237,372 AYB ($0.26) and 0.243 USDC ($0.243)
Collected fees of 241,992 AYB ($0.266) and 0.2564 USDC ($0.256)
11/11/2024, 11:45:13 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,581,574 AYB ($1.81) and 1.79 USDC ($1.79)
Collected fees of 2,285,950 AYB ($2.67) and 1.07 USDC ($1.07)
11/12/2024, 1:41:03 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 721,053 AYB ($0.664) and 0.6626 USDC ($0.663)
Collected fees of 836,355 AYB ($0.793) and 0.5744 USDC ($0.574)
11/12/2024, 6:24:29 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 469,430 AYB ($0.448) and 0.448 USDC ($0.448)
Collected fees of 542,431 AYB ($0.512) and 0.3969 USDC ($0.397)
11/13/2024, 6:25:55 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 475,379 AYB ($0.751) and 0.7477 USDC ($0.748)
Collected fees of 484,701 AYB ($0.765) and 0.9533 USDC ($0.953)
11/15/2024, 4:13:29 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 268,650 AYB ($0.478) and 0.4726 USDC ($0.473)
Collected fees of 191,248 AYB ($0.34) and 0.4391 USDC ($0.439)
11/16/2024, 9:45:35 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,308,675 AYB ($1.75) and 1.78 USDC ($1.78)
Collected fees of 1,605,984 AYB ($2.15) and 1.45 USDC ($1.45)
11/19/2024, 9:54:49 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 709,638 AYB ($0.965) and 0.9442 USDC ($0.944)
Collected fees of 922,617 AYB ($1.25) and 0.6965 USDC ($0.697)
11/21/2024, 8:32:25 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 109,891 AYB ($0.13) and 0.1298 USDC ($0.13)
Collected fees of 145,382 AYB ($0.17) and 0.09343 USDC ($0.0934)
11/23/2024, 12:09:19 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 762,012 AYB ($0.65) and 0.668 USDC ($0.668)
Collected fees of 925,509 AYB ($0.79) and 0.6814 USDC ($0.681)
11/25/2024, 6:52:15 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 1,594,681 AYB ($0.766) and 1.12 USDC ($1.12)
Collected fees of 1,874,911 AYB ($0.90) and 1.14 USDC ($1.14)
11/27/2024, 5:05:37 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 469,128 AYB ($0.461) and 0.4661 USDC ($0.466)
Collected fees of 309,809 AYB ($0.304) and 0.4754 USDC ($0.475)
11/28/2024, 9:07:53 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 329,369 AYB ($0.419) and 0.4238 USDC ($0.424)
Collected fees of 210,762 AYB ($0.268) and 0.4323 USDC ($0.432)
12/7/2024, 3:58:11 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 443,226 AYB ($0.345) and 0.3425 USDC ($0.343)
Collected fees of 547,628 AYB ($0.426) and 0.1981 USDC ($0.198)
12/15/2024, 2:45:55 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 625,732 AYB ($0.311) and 0.3099 USDC ($0.31)
Collected fees of 810,299 AYB ($0.398) and 0.2315 USDC ($0.232)
12/24/2024, 4:21:21 AM (UTC)
Increased liquidity and collected fees:
Provided 511,462 AYB ($0.229) and 0.2331 USDC ($0.233)
Collected fees of 639,413 AYB ($0.287) and 0.2377 USDC ($0.238)
12/26/2024, 12:45:39 PM (UTC)
Base Token ID: 36897
In Range
Position Liquidity
Pool Liquidity in Range
Position % of Range Liquidity
Current Tick
1 AYB = 4.641E-7 USDC
1 USDC = 2,154,929 AYB
Tick Range
Full Range
326 days, 11 hours
Copy address
Copy address