WETH (Wrapped Ether) / BRETT (Brett) - 0.3%
Position Breakdown
Total USD
Liquidity & Fees
Position History
Increased liquidity:
Provided 0.008636 WETH ($24) and 315 BRETT ($27)
8/4/2024, 9:52:45 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0003085 WETH ($0.766) and 9.95 BRETT ($0.855)
8/5/2024, 4:43:57 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity:
Provided 0.001922 WETH ($4.76) and 41 BRETT ($3.51)
8/5/2024, 4:48:15 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0003536 WETH ($0.92) and 9.26 BRETT ($0.914)
8/10/2024, 2:14:05 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00005956 WETH ($0.159) and 1.94 BRETT ($0.181)
8/12/2024, 5:49:05 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0002644 WETH ($0.689) and 8.11 BRETT ($0.73)
8/20/2024, 8:20:41 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity:
Provided 0.002065 WETH ($5.38) and 39 BRETT ($3.51)
8/20/2024, 8:24:21 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00006633 WETH ($0.173) and 1.81 BRETT ($0.17)
8/22/2024, 7:19:11 PM (UTC)
Increased liquidity:
Provided 0.000525 WETH ($1.37) and 8.28 BRETT ($0.773)
8/22/2024, 7:33:17 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004344 WETH ($0.121) and 1.1 BRETT ($0.112)
8/24/2024, 6:49:03 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001827 WETH ($0.0507) and 0.7894 BRETT ($0.0757)
8/25/2024, 5:42:43 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004172 WETH ($0.108) and 1.41 BRETT ($0.12)
8/27/2024, 4:30:09 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004788 WETH ($0.121) and 1.61 BRETT ($0.129)
8/29/2024, 4:57:37 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001706 WETH ($0.0429) and 0.5001 BRETT ($0.0404)
8/30/2024, 3:30:21 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001467 WETH ($0.0368) and 0.5155 BRETT ($0.0412)
9/1/2024, 12:45:07 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004712 WETH ($0.119) and 1.76 BRETT ($0.134)
9/3/2024, 12:28:37 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0001711 WETH ($0.39) and 5.77 BRETT ($0.402)
9/8/2024, 2:08:49 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00009282 WETH ($0.219) and 2.42 BRETT ($0.194)
9/13/2024, 2:08:11 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0000159 WETH ($0.0366) and 0.6468 BRETT ($0.0489)
9/16/2024, 10:47:03 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0001029 WETH ($0.264) and 3.36 BRETT ($0.268)
9/21/2024, 6:46:13 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00002821 WETH ($0.0752) and 0.9684 BRETT ($0.0796)
9/23/2024, 5:16:27 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0001153 WETH ($0.304) and 2.46 BRETT ($0.25)
9/27/2024, 1:24:31 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00002893 WETH ($0.078) and 0.8862 BRETT ($0.0889)
9/28/2024, 1:28:09 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001812 WETH ($0.0484) and 0.5532 BRETT ($0.0539)
9/29/2024, 3:10:07 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004468 WETH ($0.116) and 1.29 BRETT ($0.121)
10/1/2024, 12:11:31 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00007838 WETH ($0.194) and 2.46 BRETT ($0.207)
10/2/2024, 1:55:21 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004254 WETH ($0.101) and 1.09 BRETT ($0.0914)
10/2/2024, 8:55:39 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00003048 WETH ($0.0716) and 1.06 BRETT ($0.084)
10/3/2024, 9:44:13 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004157 WETH ($0.101) and 1.13 BRETT ($0.0951)
10/5/2024, 10:33:27 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00005803 WETH ($0.142) and 1.38 BRETT ($0.124)
10/7/2024, 8:56:57 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004498 WETH ($0.108) and 1.46 BRETT ($0.122)
10/10/2024, 10:26:15 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0000424 WETH ($0.105) and 0.7427 BRETT ($0.0718)
10/12/2024, 4:15:35 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00003189 WETH ($0.0784) and 0.6241 BRETT ($0.0635)
10/13/2024, 2:20:33 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00003476 WETH ($0.0882) and 0.5281 BRETT ($0.0602)
10/14/2024, 11:41:19 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004501 WETH ($0.116) and 1.3 BRETT ($0.14)
10/15/2024, 11:56:09 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004021 WETH ($0.105) and 1.16 BRETT ($0.12)
10/16/2024, 6:01:05 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001356 WETH ($0.0356) and 0.2955 BRETT ($0.0312)
10/17/2024, 2:20:55 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00003872 WETH ($0.103) and 0.8334 BRETT ($0.0921)
10/18/2024, 7:42:55 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001709 WETH ($0.0453) and 0.5231 BRETT ($0.0552)
10/19/2024, 11:57:23 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001508 WETH ($0.0409) and 0.4459 BRETT ($0.0478)
10/21/2024, 10:31:01 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00002135 WETH ($0.0561) and 0.5396 BRETT ($0.0555)
10/22/2024, 6:14:33 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00005496 WETH ($0.136) and 1.49 BRETT ($0.142)
10/25/2024, 8:51:41 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001594 WETH ($0.0392) and 0.5793 BRETT ($0.0528)
10/26/2024, 11:32:03 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 6.597E-6 WETH ($0.0163) and 0.3057 BRETT ($0.0272)
10/27/2024, 1:09:39 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00002019 WETH ($0.0501) and 0.4675 BRETT ($0.0426)
10/28/2024, 4:44:33 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 5.424E-6 WETH ($0.0137) and 0.07349 BRETT ($0.00693)
10/28/2024, 1:35:05 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001439 WETH ($0.0376) and 0.1921 BRETT ($0.0195)
10/29/2024, 3:01:13 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 9.674E-6 WETH ($0.0258) and 0.3031 BRETT ($0.0314)
10/29/2024, 5:11:49 PM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001688 WETH ($0.0449) and 0.6658 BRETT ($0.0642)
10/31/2024, 3:05:03 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 8.372E-6 WETH ($0.0209) and 0.3243 BRETT ($0.0289)
11/1/2024, 2:28:07 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001278 WETH ($0.0322) and 0.4188 BRETT ($0.0368)
11/2/2024, 2:34:17 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001329 WETH ($0.033) and 0.6615 BRETT ($0.0539)
11/3/2024, 1:33:07 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0000265 WETH ($0.0656) and 0.829 BRETT ($0.0668)
11/4/2024, 3:18:41 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001468 WETH ($0.0354) and 0.5798 BRETT ($0.0443)
11/5/2024, 3:07:49 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00005692 WETH ($0.16) and 1.43 BRETT ($0.137)
11/7/2024, 1:25:23 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00002102 WETH ($0.0611) and 0.8825 BRETT ($0.0824)
11/8/2024, 2:31:03 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00001893 WETH ($0.0565) and 0.7987 BRETT ($0.0731)
11/9/2024, 1:34:37 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00003553 WETH ($0.111) and 0.9953 BRETT ($0.0988)
11/10/2024, 3:48:17 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00004465 WETH ($0.143) and 1.21 BRETT ($0.128)
11/11/2024, 1:23:55 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00009647 WETH ($0.319) and 2.15 BRETT ($0.273)
11/12/2024, 2:24:05 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00007609 WETH ($0.246) and 2.25 BRETT ($0.264)
11/13/2024, 2:19:55 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.0001765 WETH ($0.567) and 3.84 BRETT ($0.536)
11/14/2024, 2:48:53 AM (UTC)
Collected fees:
Collected fees of 0.00003286 WETH ($0.101) and 0.65 BRETT ($0.0945)
11/15/2024, 1:06:21 AM (UTC)
Decreased liquidity and collected fees:
Removed 0.02847 WETH ($89)
Collected fees of 0.02847 WETH (-)
11/16/2024, 2:47:13 AM (UTC)
Base Token ID: 830778
Position Liquidity
Pool Liquidity in Range
Position % of Range Liquidity
Current Tick
1 WETH = 26,579 BRETT
1 BRETT = 0.00003762 WETH
Tick Range
From 22,326 to 42,936 BRETT / WETH
From 0.00002329 to 0.00004479 WETH / BRETT
156 days, 13 hours
Copy address
Copy address