1512712- Status
- In Range
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- $4,495
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| In Range | | $4,495 | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00199 to 0.003928 WETH / LUM From 255 to 503 LUM / WETH |
1166883- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.0133 to 0.0302 WETH / LUM From 33 to 75 LUM / WETH |
1132835- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.00243 to 0.003699 WETH / LUM From 270 to 411 LUM / WETH |
1132233- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002289 to 0.002581 WETH / LUM From 387 to 437 LUM / WETH |
1132435- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.001597 to 0.002633 WETH / LUM From 380 to 626 LUM / WETH |
1132690- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002156 to 0.003152 WETH / LUM From 317 to 464 LUM / WETH |
1181888- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.01441 to 0.01796 WETH / LUM From 56 to 69 LUM / WETH |
1135513- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002156 to 0.003216 WETH / LUM From 311 to 464 LUM / WETH |
1136008- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.001597 to 0.003281 WETH / LUM From 305 to 626 LUM / WETH |
1181811- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.01658 to 0.01907 WETH / LUM From 52 to 60 LUM / WETH |