1578466- Status
- In Range
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- $122,268
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| In Range | | $122,268 | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.002244 to 0.004702 WETH / LUM From 213 to 446 LUM / WETH |
1442194- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.004702 to 0.006221 WETH / LUM From 161 to 213 LUM / WETH |
1490345- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.003347 to 0.006098 WETH / LUM From 164 to 299 LUM / WETH |
1163743- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.02238 to 0.2672 WETH / LUM From 3.74 to 45 LUM / WETH |
1169142- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.01796 to 0.2417 WETH / LUM From 4.14 to 56 LUM / WETH |
1213784- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.01385 to 0.1827 WETH / LUM From 5.47 to 72 LUM / WETH |
1224282- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.01278 to 0.02238 WETH / LUM From 45 to 78 LUM / WETH |
1233219- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.008917 to 0.01796 WETH / LUM From 56 to 112 LUM / WETH |
1259936- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.007752 to 0.01561 WETH / LUM From 64 to 129 LUM / WETH |
1277286- Status
- Inactive
- Last Activity
- Liquidity (USD)
- -
- Pool
- LUM / WETH - 1%
| Inactive | | - | LUM / WETH - 1% | From 0.005978 to 0.01204 WETH / LUM From 83 to 167 LUM / WETH |